As with rare earth minerals, China could one day be a price maker, not price taker, for a vital energy source – a solar Opec. 与稀土一样,在太阳能这种重要能源的市场上,有一天中国可能会成为价格制定者、而非接受者,变成一个太阳能欧佩克。
China is always the price taker not price setter. 中国何必猴子屁股一样总是红彤彤的呢?
Bidding strategy for price-taker in the daily power market 小型电力供应商的竞标策略研究
In terms of the company's scale and market share in the market, it will compete as a price taker or a price maker. 市场环境下,发电公司根据自身条件,其竞争策略可以是价格的接受者,也可以是价格的制定者。
Therefore, China has to speed up the transform of foreign trade growth, changing from "price taker" to "price maker", bypass and finally fill legally the trap of" immiserzation growth ". 因此,我国必须加快外贸增长方式的转变,实现从价格接受者到价格制定者的角色转变,以合法正当的手段,绕开甚至最终填平贫困化增长陷阱。